A Bridge of Hope from Prison to New Life. The God of Hope Ministries provides Christian care and discipleship to men and women incarcerated in Austin and the Central Texas area.

God has done amazing things as many prison inmates have found hope and freedom through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! Please join us in praising the God of Hope!

"May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you believe, so that you overflow with hope...
— Romans 15:13

Why Prison Ministry Matters

Overview of the God of Hope Ministries

This video shows in more detail the life-changing impact of the God of Hope faith-based dorm program on both the inmates and the volunteers.

The God of Hope Ministries - Faith-based dorm 3E6 graduation

In this video, our graduates performed an original song that they themselves composed.

God of Hope documentary

This video describes the work of The God of Hope prison ministry to male inmates at the Travis State Jail in Austin, TX, and to female inmates at the Lockhart prison in Lockhart, TX.

The God of Hope Ministries - Faith-based dorm 3E6 graduation

Our graduates entering the auditorium.

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As Christians, we are called to love and serve those in prison.

There are over 2 million people locked away in America's prisons or juvenile detention facilities. Texas has one of the largest prison populations in the nation with over 140,000 men and women incarcerated in the state prison system.

Learn More About Our Programs

Success Stories

As citizens of the Austin community, this program works!

Lives are changed, and people come out of prison with new hope and life skills that make for productive and healthy lives. The recidivism rate for TGOHM graduates falls far below that of the general released population.

Read Success Stories

News from the Blog

Greater Austin Area Prison Ministry Conference

The God of Hope Ministries is pleased to be a charter sponsor of the first Greater Austin Area Pris...

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Testimony from one of our Women’s Dorm Graduates

At the recent Graduation Ceremony of our Lockhart Women’s Faith Based Dorm, one of our gradua...

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In the Garden

Webster’s defines a garden as a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cul...

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Get Involved Now

The need is immense. We encourage you to join us with a financial contribution, by volunteering your time, or by joining our prayer team to bring the hope that exists only in Jesus Christ to an otherwise hopeless segment of our society.

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