
For the most part, The God of Hope Ministries (TGOHM) graduates emerge from our dorm programs with a new or reignited relationship with Christ, an experience of safe and nurturing community, and a desire to walk as maturing Christians and productive citizens of their community. In short, they emerge with godly hope for the future (Romans 15:13).

Yet, at the same time, many are afraid of what lies before them. They often leave prison without the assurance of housing, employment, a church home, or support from family or Christian community. Clearly, they need help beyond the confines of prison walls to assist them with reintegrating back into society. They need preparation for Reentry!

The God of Hope Ministries is currently an in-prison discipleship ministry. While Reentry is addressed as part of our curriculum, we do not currently offer Reentry Services as part of our ministry program. However, we do provide recommendations and referrals to other Reentry ministries and resources in the Austin Area.

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