Our Story and Vision

Our History

The God of Hope Ministries was established in 2002 by our President and Chaplain, Robert Dorrough. Chaplain Dorrough (“Chap”) moved the ministry from Dallas, Texas, to Austin, Texas, in 2005. Robert opened our first faith-based dormitory in 2006 at the Travis State Jail in east Austin, providing intensive discipleship and Christian training to male inmates for a 6-month semester.

In May 2009, we opened our first women’s faith-based dormitory at the Lockhart Prison in Lockhart, Texas, having a format similar to the men’s dormitory.

We have requests to open additional dormitories. We are responding to these requests as the Lord blesses this ministry with more volunteers and more financial resources.

We operate very efficiently, with only four paid staff members and over 100 Christian volunteers who selflessly donate their time and skills to disciple prison inmates through teaching, facilitating small groups, mentoring and coaching.

We are directed by a board of directors, consisting of mature Christian leaders who keep our ministry aligned with God’s will and purpose.

The God of Hope Ministries is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) recognized by the Federal Government.

Our Vision

To see prison inmates around the world living a life of hope and freedom only found in Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

To equip prison inmates through biblical discipleship for a life of hope and freedom in Jesus Christ.

Our Goal

As a discipleship ministry, our mission is to teach and model Christ’s love through an intense, focused exposure to His truth. We believe that the love of Jesus Christ, combined with His truth, produces hope (Love + Truth = Hope).

Our goal is to see two groups of people growing in Christ and living with hope:

  • Inmates—The Fruit of the Ministry

    We want to see inmates experience biblical hope (Christ in them, the hope of glory) as they become established in their faith and equipped for sharing their faith and hope with others.

  • Volunteers—The Life Blood of the Ministry

    We want to see our volunteers grow in maturity while employing their spiritual gifts as messengers of hope to those in prison. As time goes by, we believe a growing number of our volunteers will be former inmates whom we served.

Core Values


We are committed to loving God and loving others as commanded by Christ. (Mt. 22:37-39)


We are committed to the infallible, authoritative and inspired word of God. (Jn. 17:17)


We are committed to living our lives based on biblical hope and sharing the message that God is The God of Hope. (Rom. 15:13)


We are committed to total, unyielding reliance on God through prayer. (Jas 5:16)


We are committed to the oneness that Jesus prayed that we would have. (Jn. 17:21)


We are committed to making disciples as Jesus commanded. (Mt. 28:19)


We are committed to being faithful stewards of the time, talent and treasure that God has entrusted to us. (1 Cor. 4:2)

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