Faith-Based Dorms


Faith-based dorms are the flagship of our ministry, taking place in dormitories that have been dedicated to our use. Inmates who have shown an interest in and been accepted into the program are housed in these dorms where discipleship takes place.

This setting, where offenders live 24 hours a day for six months, serves as a community of love and unity, creating and fostering an environment of peace and discipline where we provide avenues for participants to grow close to God, to grow in Christ-likeness, and to change for the better.

Our faith-based dorms are places that meet an inmate’s spiritual needs, change dysfunctional thinking patterns, and help the inmate learn to meet needs in a responsible manner.


Our three-tiered approach to discipleship includes:
  1. Classes teaching the Bible, spiritual habits and life skills are held in the dorms every weekday morning and afternoon, each led by a volunteer and attended by all participants. Participants also meet in five-person groups.
  2. Discipleship Groups are held once a week, and are also led by a volunteer. The purpose of Discipleship Groups is to provide an atmosphere of trust and safety where individuals come to know Christ and each other through sharing and discussion of life issues.
  3. Life Coaching offers a one-on-one relationship where a volunteer walks through life with an offender examining issues through use of the Word, praying for offender concerns and helping the offender prepare for release.

Class Curricula

Lockhart Female Faith-Based Dorm Classes

Experiencing God
History of Faith (Matthew)
Fundamentals of the Faith
Building Community
Effective Parenting in a Defective World
Textual Bible Study Methods
His Word in My Heart (Scripture Memory)

Prayer with Purpose, Live with Passion
Overcoming Emotions that Destroy
Victory in Spiritual Warfare
Plan for a Life of Purpose
New Beginnings
Breaking Free
The Heart of Addiction

Travis Male Faith-Based Dorm Classes

Search for Wisdom (Proverbs)
Freedom from the Past
Living by the Book
Authentic Manhood
Fundamentals of the Faith
What God has to say about Marriage
Effective Parenting in a Defective World
New & Better
Preparing for Success
Hope Through Faith (Gospel of John)

Transformation (Romans)
Remember your Faith (Scripture Memory)
Kingdom Man
Becoming a Man of Prayer
Overcoming Emotions that Destroy
Victory in Spiritual Warfare
The Walk
New Beginnings

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